Amiga Collections: MegaDisc
MegaDisc 41 (1994-09)(MegaDisc Digital Publishing)(AU)(Disk 2 of 2).zip
MegaDisc 41 (1994-09)(MegaDisc Digital Publishing)(AU)(Disk 2 of 2).adf
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Text File
61 lines
How can you add details to the screens, other than the text and their
underlinings? There are two ways. Click on `method1` and then on `method2'.
The orange line across the screen was obtained using method 1.
Click `here` for details.
The three rectangles were obtained by method 2. `Click here` for details.
The chunk of white text was also done by method 2. `Click on me` for details.
If you would like something to help you plan such additions, `click here`.
What if there isn't enough room below the text - if your main text fills
most of the screen and then you have a `long note` to go with it?
By adding to the end of the script, as plain ARexx code, any
instructions which you would like to be interpreted. You just
need to know that the HOST name used in the driving program is 'HO',
and build it into any calls made to 'rexxarplib.library' functions.
By calling any of the functions contained in the driver program,
making sure that any required arguments are included with the call.
I added to the file :
call SetAPen(HO,3)
call Move(HO,20,50)
call Draw(HO,600,50)
For the three rectangles, I added
call Rect(50,90,150,110,1,2)
call Rect(250,90,350,110,4,4)
call Rect(450,90,550,110,2,1)
To insert the line of text I added a call to 'pat', which can take 3 or
4 arguments : x, y, text, (colour).
call pat(120,120,'This line of white text was inserted separately.',2)
Try running the program from CLI, using a filename as an argument,
and adding a second argument of 'xy' (no quotes). The highlighted
chunks will not work, but every time you click the mouse, you'll
get a pointer position update in the title bar, and you can plan
graphics or any other special effects.
In such cases a 'Requester'
type of window is opened to
display the note. That window
opens on top of the main text,
and its close gadget must be
clicked before you can continue.
The maximum length of line
possible in such a window is
74 (I think).
call APen(3) ; call Move(HO,216,59) ; call Draw(HO,600,59)
call Rect(50,90,150,110,1,2)
call Rect(250,90,350,110,4,4)
call Rect(450,90,550,110,2,1)
call pat(120,120,'This line of white text was inserted separately.',2)